RTH 123 Basic Assessment and Monitoring*

A study of the basic assessment and monitoring of cardiopulmonary-impaired patients. Topics include bedside respiratory assessment, clinical laboratory studies assessment, oxygenation and ventilation, pulmonary function measurements, clinical application of chest radiography, and basic interpretation of electrocardiogram tracing. 

3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.





BIO 156, BIO 160, BIO 205, ENG 101, ENG 102, MAT 151 or higher, and two of the following--PSY 101, PSY 103, PSY 231, PSY 240, PSY 270, SOC 101, SOC 160, SOC 202, SOC 230; concurrent enrollment in RTH 110, RTH 112, and RTH 121; and acceptance into the respiratory therapy program.