LEO 211 Patrol Procedures for Law Enforcement
An overview of the types, purposes and techniques of police patrol procedures which includes vehicle patrol and alternative methods of patrol, citizen protection, crime prevention and identification, apprehension of subjects, officer safety and related procedures, answering emergency and non-emergency situations, routing patrol and observation, inspection and control of hazards, coordination of helicopter activities, observation skills, domestic violence, managing crisis situations, authority granted to law enforcement agencies, services for victims, court orders, mental illnesses, responding to a crime in progress, controlling hostile and non-hostile crowds, duties during a bomb threat or disaster, intoxication cases, communications and police information systems, hazardous materials, bias-motivated crimes, fires and civil disputes.
4 hours lecture.
Must be 21 years old by Police Academy Graduation. Must meet standards set forth in R13-4-105 of the Arizona Administrative Code.
LEO 200 or concurrent enrollment.