Academic Services

Academic Advising Services

Cochise College advisors assist our diverse student population in defining, planning, and achieving success. This collaborative effort results in students taking responsibility for achieving education, personal/social, and career goals. Our goal as Cochise College advisors is to provide the support needed to be successful in desired educational and career goals. Our advisors will assist in creating, reviewing, and re-evaluating educational and life goals, while serving as a resource for information on college policies and procedures, degree requirements, and university transfer.

Academic advisors are here to help:

  • Understand degree/certificate programs and requirements

  • Create educational plans

  • Select classes to meet degree/transfer requirements

  • Connect students to college services and support

  • Help students apply for graduation

New to College

We know the first semester of college can be mixed with excitement, anticipation and some uncertainty. Cochise READY is a new student onboarding program designed to help students prepare for a successful college experience. Participating in a Cochise READY session is an opportunity to get acquainted with college services and support, meet with an academic advisor and REGISTER for your first semester of college. For more information, visit, call 520-515-5482 or send an email message to

Placement Assessment

Students entering Cochise College programs are expected to possess basic academic proficiency in English, mathematics, and reading before taking college-level courses. Those students who do not demonstrate this proficiency may need to take courses that will not necessarily count toward their degree. Lack of academic preparation is one of several factors affecting students’ ability to complete their programs in a timely fashion while maximizing the advantages of financial aid.

All new students are required to determine their skill levels in English, mathematics, and reading prior to registration. To meet this requirement, students complete the Directed Self-Placement (DSP) assessment. The DSP is a widely used tool for placing a student in their first-year English, math, and reading classes. The DSP process guides students to choose the course they feel is best aligned with their sense of readiness for college English, math, and reading. Through the DSP, students are able to take an active role in the decision about their first-year courses. All of the DSP assessments can be completed on an internet-ready device at

Students who determine they are at the developmental level in any of the three areas above should consult an advisor to select the right courses designed to prepare them for college-level work. These courses currently include the following:

The above developmental courses all count toward meeting full-time status for financial aid purposes but any course numbered 099 and below cannot be used to meet graduation requirements. Any student registering in his or her first developmental course(s) must enroll concurrently in CPD 150, Student Success Strategies, and complete it successfully.


Applicants to Cochise College may submit ACCUPLACER, ACT, SAT or GED College Ready scores which are no more than three years old before registering for any courses that have academic skills prerequisites. Transferred scores must come directly from the institution previously attended or from the testing agency.

Placement testing may be waived for students who provide a transcript or diploma showing completion of an accredited associate or higher degree, or for transfer students whose official transcripts show completed coursework in a corresponding subject with a grade of C or better.

Pre-nursing and Allied Health program students, please refer to the Allied Health department requirements for placement testing.

Developmental Course Sequencing toward College Level

English pathway

ENG 095 > ENG 096 > ENG 101

Mathematics pathways

Most AAS degrees: MAT 081 > MAT 132

Most AA degrees: MAT 081 > MAT 142

ABUS degrees: MAT 081 > MAT 142 > MAT 151, or MAT 167 > MAT 212

Most AS degrees: MAT 091 > MAT 151, MAT 182, or MAT 187 > MAT 220 > MAT 231 > MAT 241, MAT 252, or MAT 262

Reading pathway

RDG 020 > RDG 092 > Reading Exempt

Typical English, Mathematics, and Reading Program Requirements

English requirement

AA, AAEE, AAS, ABUS, AGS, AS: ENG 101 and ENG 102

Mathematics requirement

AA and AAEE: MAT 142 or higher

AAS: MAT 132 or MAT 142 or higher

ABUS: MAT 212 or MAT 220

AGS: MAT 132 or higher

AS: MAT 220 or higher

Reading requirement

AA, AAEE, ABUS, AS, AGS, AAS: RDG 092 or exemption


Cochise College provides free tutoring in a number of academic areas. Professionals, para-professionals, and peer tutors work with students individually and in small groups to support them as they sharpen their academic skills. Staff members at the Tutoring and Learning Centers help students prepare for class and work through academic concepts. Students can receive assistance preparing for tests, understanding mathematical concepts, generating ideas for essays, working through the writing process, conducting research, building confidence, and more. Tutoring services are also available online. More information is available at

Career Technical Education Programs (CTEPS)

CTEPS offers various support services to students enrolled in career and technical education programs, including academic advising, advocacy, career exploration, and financial assistance. More information is available at

TRiO Student Support Services

The TRiO program helps students overcome class, social, and cultural barriers to their college education. To qualify, a student must be enrolled or accepted for full-time enrollment at Cochise College, be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, demonstrate a need for academic support, and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • First-generation college student (parents or guardian did not receive a bachelor’s degree);
  • Low-income student as established by the Department of Education; or
  • Learning or physically disabled student registered with the Office of Accessibility Services.

More information is available at or at the TRiO Student Support Services Office on the Douglas Campus.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative education is required in some academic programs This requirement consists of experiential learning under the direction of a faculty member and the appropriate department. Refer to the program of study academic map indicating cooperative education credits are required.  Further guidance will be provided by the department overseeing the academic program.