Academic Restrictions


Student attendance is a major factor in academic success. Cochise College conducts a census report by the second week of classes each semester. Students who have not attended in that time are dropped for non-attendance. Instructors are responsible for establishing specific attendance criteria for each class and communicating the criteria to students in writing during the first week of class. Instructors may drop students who exceed their limit of absences. Students who are dropped during the census or by their instructor will not receive a refund on tuition and fees. Students on college-sponsored trips may be excused; however, they are responsible for all missed assignments.

Course Repeats

A course may be repeated six times for a grade. All courses will be listed on the student's transcript with the grade received. The highest grade earned will be computed for graduation and cumulative grade point average. Students are not required to repeat a failed course unless it is a prerequisite for another course or required for graduation or transfer.

Credit Load Limitations

Maximum educational benefits accrue when students enroll for a reasonable course load. The college has established the following credit load limitations:

Beginning freshmen (first-time college students) and returning students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher 19 credits
Concurrently enrolled high school students and returning students with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 14 credits

Final Exams

Final examinations are required and serve an important purpose in the academic process. Certain courses may call for demonstration of competency with final projects requiring more than two hours of work; these projects may serve as the final examination. Such projects must necessarily begin and end before the examination period; however, these courses must meet during the scheduled examination period for review, critique or other meaningful activity. The final examination schedule is printed in the class schedule at the beginning of each semester. Students must attend all final examinations or their instructor may issue a failing grade.

Course Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from a course by logging into or by completing a drop/add form from the Registration Office. Failing to withdraw could jeopardize the receipt of any refunds and may result in an F grade.

Academic Dishonesty

Cochise College requires students to adhere to the highest level of ethical academic conduct and has no tolerance for academic dishonesty. The college may impose serious academic sanctions as a result of academic dishonesty up to and including suspension and expulsion from a specific program or from the college. A statement regarding and defining academic dishonesty must be part of every course procedure sheet.

Academic dishonesty consists of many forms of unethical academic conduct, including, but not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitating academic dishonesty.

  1. Cheating means intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids, as well as unauthorized devices such as cell phones and other technology.
  2. Fabrication means intentional falsification of any information or citation.
  3. Plagiarism means intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own.
  4. Facilitating academic dishonesty means intentionally or knowingly helping another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  5. Other forms of academic dishonesty include:
    1. Submitting work to more than one instructor for credit without disclosure and approval.
    2. Knowingly violating the terms of any academic sanction imposed for an earlier violation of Policy 3010.

Mandatory Advising

Cochise College recognizes that students are more successful when they have academic goals and career plans in place. Establishing mandatory advising for students in specific categories is an effort to assist students in establishing these critical milestones. The following student categories are those which will be required to seek advising before registration:

  • Current high school students
  • International students (F1 visa students)*
  • All other students having between 0 and 14 earned college credits

These students are required to register for courses each semester through an academic advisor. An advising hold will be placed on student records.  This hold will be removed once the student has earned 15 college credits. *International students must always meet with an academic advisor until they graduate or leave the school.

Cochise READY provides students an opportunity to get acquainted with Cochise College, meet with an academic advisor and enroll in their first semester of college. It is recommended that all new to college students participate in a Cochise READY session. For more information call 520-515-5484 or email