Grading Systems

The following are grade designations earned in each course and recorded on a student's permanent record.

A Indicates the highest academic grade possible. It is reserved for accomplishment that is truly distinctive and demonstrably outstanding.
B Denotes achievement considerably above acceptable standards and mastery of course materials.
C Indicates a satisfactory degree of attainment and is the least acceptable standard for graduation from college or for additional studies within the discipline. This grade implies completion of the minimum outcomes identified in the course curriculum.
D Denotes a limited understanding of the subject matter. This grade will not transfer to another institution of higher education and it is unacceptable for additional studies within the discipline.
F Indicates inadequate or unsatisfactory attainment, serious deficiency in understanding of course material or failure to complete requirements of the course.
W Indicates a withdrawal from the course by the designated drop date.
I Indicates that, for a justifiable reason, a student failed to complete all requirements of the course. The instructor has the option of issuing an incomplete rather than an F to the Registration Office. The student must make up an incomplete grade during the succeeding semester to avoid an F. An incomplete grade is not computed in the student's GPA.
 IW  IW Indicates that, for a justifiable reason, a student failed to complete all course requirements for the course. The instructor has the option of issuing an incomplete to withdrawal grade. The grade is typically only used by MOS students (military credentialing). It was also used during the spring 2020 term, for students affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The student must complete all coursework within a one-year period, or the IW will be changed by the Registrar to a withdrawal (W). An incomplete/withdrawal grade is not computed in the student’s GPA.
AU Indicates that a student will not receive a grade or credit. Registration and fee policies apply. Pass/fail classes may not be audited. Instructors give priority to students registering for credit, and they do not require audit students to take examinations or to hand in assignments. A student auditing a class may not change to a credit basis later than Friday of the second week of the semester. A student may change from a credit to an audit basis up to five calendar days prior to the start of finals. The drop/add procedure is used to effect such changes.
IP Indicates that a student's coursework is in progress at the time grades are due.
P Indicates C or higher work in a class taken for pass/fail.

Indicates a D or failed grade in a class taken for pass/fail.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Semester grades are assigned grade points as follows:

Grade Points per credit earned
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F 0

For example, a three-credit course with a grade of A earns 12 grade points. The total grade points accumulated are divided by the total credits attempted (excluding W, I and AU) to determine the GPA. In determining academic standing at Cochise College, the GPA of a transfer student is computed on the basis of credits attempted at Cochise College only and does not include credits and grade points earned at another college.

Grade Reports

Cochise College has an online student grade report system for viewing and printing grades.

Grade Change

A grade that has been reported to the registrar by an instructor may be changed only by the instructor issuing the grade or by the academic dean.